Smith Wesson Model 28 Highway Patrolman

Serial #:J591343 with heavy 3" barrel and questions note Square butt..Selling a S&W 28-3 Highway Patrolman .. I was doing a little research on a S&W highway patrolman 28-2 Nickel 4 inch barrel that...Greetings all.Smith & Wesson 28-2 Highway Patrolman .Serious Business: The Highway Patrolman.The model 28-3 Highway Patrolman was made from 1982-86 and has the less-desireable non-pinned barrel and non-recessed cylinder smith wesson model 28 highway patrolman . Selling a S&W 28-3 Highway Patrolman ... .. Post by SlaveWhale » Wed 24 Jul 2013 3:46 am.T.. Dates per the Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson 3rd edition, page 196-197. . Post by SlaveWhale » Wed 24 Jul 2013 3:46 am.T.. Dates per the Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson 3rd edition, page 196-197...I new to all forums read a few but this is my first post.357 Magnum.. ..I new to all forums read a few but this is my first post.357 Magnum...357 Magnum Περίστροφο (100 Photos, 3 Wallpapers, 7 Videos). I have it up on UGE here I have the original box, grips and tools. The Model 28-2 is a rather unusual Smith & Wesson. ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑ: Smith & Wesson. Serial #:J591343 with heavy 3" barrel and questions note Square butt .357 Magnum Περίστροφο (100 Photos, 3 Wallpapers, 7 Videos). I have it up on UGE here I have the original box, grips and tools. The Model 28-2 is a rather unusual Smith & Wesson. ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑ: Smith & Wesson. Serial #:J591343 with heavy 3" barrel and questions note Square butt..Selling a S&W 28-3 Highway Patrolman .. I was doing a little research on a S&W highway patrolman 28-2 Nickel 4 inch barrel that. Serial #:J591343 with heavy 3" barrel and questions note Square butt..Selling a S&W 28-3 Highway Patrolman .. I was doing a little research on a S&W highway patrolman 28-2 Nickel 4 inch barrel that...Greetings all.Smith & Wesson 28-2 Highway Patrolman .Serious Business: The Highway Patrolman.The model 28-3 Highway Patrolman was made from 1982-86 and has the less-desireable non-pinned barrel and non-recessed cylinder my private spot won`t shave good
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